Everything you need to know about the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card, which is already being distributed.
The T-4 continues to be sold in cardboard and magnetic strip format.

- Number of journeys: 10
- Validity: Until prices change
Reduced fare until 12/31/2024
Buy onlineDescription
An individual travel card for users who meet the requirements. Valid for 10 intermodal journeys in the TMB bus and metro network (except for special services and the Barcelona Bus Turístic), the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) bus, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC, among the municipalities of the metropolitan fare) and Tram. Also valid for Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on L9 Sud.
The T-4 must be validated each time public transport is used.
The body that establishes the characteristics of the travel card is Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB).
For more information, see terms of use of tickets.
The T-4 must be accompanied by a DNI or other document proving identity and one of the following ID cards:
- Reduced-fare Metropolitan pink card
- FGC type b pensioner card
Prices of the T-4 travel card by zone
Points of sale
- TMB metro automatic vending machines
- TMB information and customer service centres (Punt TMB)
- Authorised outlets (tobacconists', bakeries, newspaper kiosks)
T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card
Here's everything you need to know about the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card, which has already started to be distributed.
Currently, the T-4 with a cardboard format and magnetic stripe coexists with the T-4 as a rechargeable ticket for the T-metropolitana reduced pink card.
What is the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card
The T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card is a personal and non-transferable travel card to which the T-4 can be loaded. The T-4 is a 10-journey card at a reduced price. As this is a personal card, in the event of an inspection, you must prove your identity with your national ID document or NIE.
Request and price
If you already have the reduced fare metropolitan pink card, you will receive the T-metropolitana reduced pink card at your home, free of charge, before your metropolitan pink card expires.
If you need to apply for it for the first time, go to the application for the T-metropolitana pink card form. You will be given the card you are eligible for: either the free card or the reduced-fare card.
The T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card is free of charge and has no administration costs. It can be used to load the T-4, which does have a cost.
Loading and recharging
Only one type of ticket can be loaded to the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card, which is the T-4, and you can have a maximum of two T-4 tickets loaded to the card..
You can load and recharge your tickets in stores and at metro network ticket vending machines.
On each journey with the T-4 you can make up to three transfers (meaning up to four means of transport). These transfers can be made within the 75 minute period after the T-4 is validated for the first time. In general, when you transfer between two metro lines you do so through the specific passageways, so if you leave the metro and then return there, you will need to validate again and another journey will be deducted from your ticket.
Other information and procedures on the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card
For correct use, you must validate the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card every time you use public transport and you also need to have your national ID document or NIE with you. The T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card does not involve any payment because you purchase, load, and validate the T-4, which already includes the mandatory travel insurance.
To validate it, you need to touch the T-metropolitana on the contactless card reader screen (the same ones where the T-mobilitat can be validated) found on buses and in stations.
See the 'How do you validate your ticket?' webpage.
The T-metropolitana isn't working
If the card does not work on the metro validators, contact a customer agent to get a temporary card. And, as soon as possible, request a duplicate of the T-metropolitana.
If the card does not work on bus validators, you will need to purchase an incident ticket through Purchasing an incident ticket. And, later, ask for your T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card to be blocked and request a duplicate.
In the following section, we explain how to request a duplicate of the T-metropolitana.
Blocking the card and requesting a duplicate due to loss or theft or because it stops working
If your T-metropolitana is lost or stolen, or if it stops working, you can ask for it to be blocked and request a duplicate.
You can request it:
- By calling the freephone number 900 700 077 from Monday to Sunday, 9.00 am to 6.00 pm. The new T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card will be sent to your home.
- In person at the AMB Information and Services Office, Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 3:30 pm (Via Laietana, 33, 4t 1a, Barcelona). Prior appointment required.
Once you have requested the duplicate, the T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card cannot be unblocked even if you find it.
Price of duplicate
- If your T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card has been lost or stolen or if it has been physically damaged, you will have to pay 4.50 euros for the replacement card.
- If your T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card stops working (but the card has not been damaged) in the first five years, the duplicate is free of charge because the T-metropolitana is under guarantee.
- If your T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card stops working, but it is already outside the five-year guarantee period, you will have to pay the 4.50 euros fee for the replacement card.
The T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card is renewed automatically every year for as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.
Fee payment
The T-metropolitana reduced-fare pink card does not involve any payment because you purchase, load, and validate the T-4, which already includes the mandatory travel insurance.
Customer service
- Freephone: 900 700 077
- AMB Information and Services Office: Via Laietana, 33, 4t 1a, Barcelona. Open Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 3.30 pm. Prior appointment required. Request an appointment at the AMB Information and Services Office..
- T-metropolitana Support and Information Centre: Avinguda de la Gran via de L’Hospitalet, 16-20. Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 8 pm Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 9 am to 2 pm. Prior appointment required. Request an appointment for the CAI..