Work and train with us

El gran equip TMB
TMB és el principal operador de transport públic de Catalunya i un referent d’empresa de mobilitat ciutadana a Europa i al món. Més de 8.000 professionals de diferents àmbits fan possible que la xarxa de transport de TMB doni servei a Barcelona i a deu municipis més de l’àrea metropolitana, amb més de mig milió de viatgers a l’any.
The values that guide TMB’s activities are essential for fulfilling its commitment to society: workers, citizens and stakeholders.
Vocation of public service, and excellent service | |
Vocation of public service, and excellent service | |
Socially responsible behaviour | |
Values of equal opportunities, diversity, integrity, honesty and respect | |
Transparency | |
Commitment | |
Leadership and teamwork | |
Recognition, equality and personal and professional growth | |
Innovative ambition, technological avant-garde and constant improvement |
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Previous job offers
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Previous work placement offers
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