Processing of video surveillance and voice recordings
Processing of video surveillance and voice recordings
Data controllers
The data controllers of your personal data are:
- Transports de Barcelona, SA, with Tax ID number A-08016081
- Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, SA, with Tax ID number A-08005795
- Projectes i Serveis de Mobilitat, SA, with Tax ID number A-63645220
All with postal address at Carrer 60, number 21-23, Sector A, Polígon Industrial de la Zona Franca, 08040 Barcelona; email address: and telephone: 900 70 11 49.
Data protection rights
The parties concerned may at any time, exercise their rights of access, of rectification, of suppression (right to forget), to object, to the limitation of processing, to data portability and to not be subject to automated individual decisions, requesting for it by emailing
You will find full information on exercising these rights in Exercise of rights (GDPR).
Data Protection Officer
TMB has a Data Protection Officer (DPO), whom you can contact regarding any matter concerning the processing of your personal data. The Data Protection Officer will have a reasonable time of two months to reply to your enquiries.
Should you need to make an enquiry, request, or complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:
You also have the right to fila a claim, at any time, with the Catalan Data Protection Authority, regarding the processing of your personal data.
Check out video surveillance recording activities.
Check out voice recording activities.